Unity And Diversity






diversity in action

Dr. ReGina A. Etter

network lead

The Heart of the Work
Corner Border Shape

Our Books

The purpose of our network is to ​educate, encourage and enhance the ​lives of all learners.

Community Service


Will It Make You Cry, Sis? COVID-19 will forever be ​etched in the minds of all persons who lived during that ​time of heartache, pain, and sorrow. Hearing her parents ​discuss the crisis, a youngster asks the question, “Will it ​Make You Cry, Sis?” All through the book, the older ​sister shares the meaning of some of the vocabulary

words children heard and possibly misunderstood

during the pandemic.

Nuri, Nuri, what do you see? Nuri, Nuri what do you ​see? a creative literary work for children ages 3-7 that ​uses a box of crayons to start a conversation about ​diversity. Nuri has friends from different ethnic groups ​who discover the power of inclusivity.


Jordan Rivers depicts the life of a confident, competent, ​and cross-bearing young woman who believes others ​can identify with her challenging relationships. It seems ​that people continue to cross her path. People who have ​challenged her talk and walk; professionally, ​relationally, and spiritually. The one thing that she ​knows is that God will work all things out for her good. ​Yeah, that Romans 8:28 word is continually being ​proven as a “KEEPER”. Why? That word keeps her ​walking in purpose whether the assignment is ​understood or not. After all, she’s locked and loaded ​with an arsenal of firepower!!!


Meet Carter Lawrence Cartesha Lawrence whose ​nickname is Carter is proud of the work that her father, ​the engineer, does to help people by using the ​engineering design process. She describes different ​engineering fields as she explains how engineers solve ​real-world problems.

Techie Tiger Techie Tiger was written to provide ​students with the necessary vocabulary to become ​literate in the area of technology. Tom and Joy introduce ​the children to these words with beautiful explanations ​and illustrations.

Alex Green has a DREAM TEAM! Being bi-racial and ​bi-lingual helps Alexandria learn historical facts about ​women whose dreams of being “first” came through. The ​book, Alex Green Has a Dream, is filled with Hispanic and ​African American women who were the first recognized ​for great accomplishments.

SIDE EFFECTS This literary work speaks to the growing ​concern and needs of those who walk beside ministerial ​leaders. Although the prescription (the WORD) has been ​written, it’s the “SIDE EFFECTS” that can affect the ​progressive and transformational leadership in a church. ​One should not be fooled by the brevity of this book ​because within the pages begins a story of spiritual ​discipline and a strong relationship with God.

Book An Appointment

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Brown COLORS the Board of Education is a new interactive board game created by Dr. ReGina Etter ​and two colleagues. The game is based upon the landmark Supreme Court decision banning ​segregation in public schools. Brown COLORS the Board of Education focuses on positive outcomes ​and unintended consequences, equipped in awareness, helping to change the lives of children in ​every community.

Corner Border Shape

community service


Learning Information for Futuristic ​Thinking is a FREE 4-Week Summer ​Program for students ages seven through ​nin​e.

Buffalo Soldiers

Circle the Wagon Event

The Buffalo Soldiers TN/KY Line Chapter ​9th & 10th - Horse Calvary.

Dr. ReGina Etter was honored by the ​Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. as their ​Community Service Person of the Year.

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. ​Community Service Award

Corner Border Shape

community service

Magnet Schools of America ​Policy Conference

Education Advocate Dr. ReGina Etter and ​Policy Advisor Alex Perry at 2024 Po​licy Conference in Washington, D​.C.

Juvenile Justice Conference

Dr. ReGina Etter was a presenter at the ​13th Annual Joint Conference on Juvenile ​Justice at Austin Peay State University in ​Cla​rksville, Tennessee.

Dr. ReGina Etter participated in the Story ​Hour Presentation.

Clarkville Public Library

Corner Border Shape

community service

Vo​ter Registration Drive

Voter Registration Drive held at Stratford ​Hi​gh School in Nashville, Tennessee.

Ma​gnet Schools Conference

Dr. ReGina Etter was a presenter at th​e Magnet Schools of America Conference i​n New York City.​

Dr. ReGina Etter at the Book Launch for ​Crossing Jordan Rivers at JamRok ​Caribbean Buffet in Clarksville.

Re-Tell Therapy Book Launch

Corner Border Shape

community service

Creswell Play P​remiere

Dr. ReGina Etter attended the IT Creswell ​Middle School of the Arts Family Legacy ​Play P​remiere,

Ro​sebank Elementary

Dr. ReGina Etter was guest speaker at ​Rosebank Elementary School Black History ​Pr​esentation in Nashville.

Dr. ReGina Etter attended the NAACP ​Banquet in Clarksville.


Corner Border Shape

in the pulpit

Blessed Almighty Ministries

Dr. ReGina Etter was the guest speaker at ​the Blessed Almighty Ministries 9th ​Church Anniversary “Choose Joy” at the ​Coleman Community Center in Nashville,

Sharing The Good News​

A Word in Due Season.

Passion, Power and Purpose.

Sharing The Good News

Corner Border Shape


Corner Border Shape


Dr. ReGina A. Etter has served the students and ​teachers of Metro Nashville Public Schools for over ​thirty years. As an advocate for teaching and learning, ​Dr. Etter’s passion is displayed through her innovative ​methods of presenting pedagogy to educators ​throughout the country.

Working with numerous initiatives and varying roles for ​the school district has afforded her opportunities to ​provide teachers with instructional practices that are ​practical, rigorous and content-rich. Dr. Etter’s impact ​in the educational arena has been extended to NSF, ​NSTA, TSTA, TSIN, SEC-ME, NABSE, Vanderbilt ​University, Tennessee State University, Fisk University, ​Trevecca University, and Middle Tennessee State ​University.

Dr. Etter’s latest assignments have involved federally ​funded STEM and STEAM initiatives affecting multiple ​schools, students, and communities.

Unity And Diversity

Let's con​nect.





diversity in action

The Heart of the Work